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Tips for and from your fellow gardeners

New blog! Tips for and from your fellow gardeners – Curious?

Well I’m hoping, through the following 10 questions to identify, and ultimately share, everyone’s best tips for successful germination and cultivation, including ‘plot-to-plate’ recipes……

It would be grand if you could join in and comment on any (or all) of the following questions. If I receive enough replies, I will collate the tips of wisdom and update the website by the end of June.

Nothing controversial please, these is just a bit of fun!

1. What do you love to grow and why?

2. If able, which vegetables do you start off under glass, and is it worth it and why?

3. What are you favourite gardening programme(s)?

4. Who do you follow on social media for gardening tips and inspiration?

5. Do you cover your vegetables / use collars / for which veg. and do they work?

6. Which flower, fruit or vegetables do you frustratingly fail out?

7. What or who inspired you to garden?

8. Are you self-sufficient in anything you grow, freeze or bottle?

9. What is your favourite ‘Plot-to-plate’ recipe?

10. and finally, who would you rather have dinner with Monty Don, Adam Frost or Alan Titchmarsh? Carol Klein, Rachel de Thame or Arit Anderson? (Or choose anyone you like but they should be a celebrity gardener – this is not a dating agency!).

Can’t wait to read your replies, Happy gardening.


P.S. Highbury South trivia –

Q. Considering the litter pick we do on the outside periphery of our site, what do you think is the most common item of litter? (Clue: musical notes.)

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